Accept and bill Carib$

Revolutionising Trade and Cross-Border Transfers in the Caribbean

Introducing Carib$, the complementary currency for the Caribbean.

CaribCoin Hero Information Overlay
CaribCoin Hero Islands Background

Our Proof Of Concept


Carib$ Transfers in 2024


Participating Countries


Cash backed


Access New Markets & Create New Growth

Carib$ is a complementary currency, operating alongside Caribbean national currencies to bridge the region’s economies and create new markets for your business, making Carib$ a fast track towards CSME and a catalyst of the 25by2025 initiative.

CaribCoin Features: Simple


Easy to use digital asset with a stable value

CaribCoin Features: Secure


Complementary currency securely backed by stable collateral

CaribCoin Features: Fair


Governed by consent of public and private stakeholders

CaribCoin Features: Convertible


Exchange Carib$ for Caribbean currency at any time

CaribCoin Features: Stable


Consistent and predictable exchange rates
CaribCoin Features: Connected 03


Integrated with CariBizNet — an opportunity to build connections


How We Are Creating Our Application

We are building our application with you.

September 2022

Carib$ presentation to the public in the 19th CTU Ministerial Seminar

October 2022

Workshops with merchants and payment service providers, setting the stage to turn Carib$ into an economic success story

June 2023

Carib$ is live on Testnet

March 2024

Software on live environment

June 2024

1st Advisory Group meeting

July 2024

1st Transfer of Carib$ in private setting


Caribbean-Wide Transfers at Your Fingertips

Caribbean-Wide Payments at Your Fingertips

Making transfers across the Caribbean has never been easier. Use the Carib$ Wallet Application for all your transfer needs.

CaribCoin Payments: Simple Payments
Simple Transfers

Send and receive Carib$ at the tap of a button with the easy-to-use wallet application, accessible 24/7 on your computer or mobile device.

CaribCoin Payments: Stable Exchange Rates
Stable Exchange Rates

Rest assured that your Carib$ will maintain a stable value against familiar reference assets, like the Barbados Dollar, Eastern Caribbean Dollar, and Trinidad & Tobago Dollar. Stability is created by backing Carib$ with Caribbean currencies, bolstered by active and responsible governance.

CaribCoin Transfers: New Partnerships
New Partnerships

Grow your business network in CariBizNet, a dynamic marketplace of Carib$ users — the tool for trade development.


By the Caribbean

Responsible and transparent governance is at the heart of Carib$ — ensuring a secure, stable, and growth-minded solution. Carib$ leverages the experience and expertise of public and private-sector stakeholders for its governance.

What’s New?

Stay Updated

People are talking about Carib$ — stay in the loop.

PAPSS or Carib$ or both of them — where should the Caribbean go? Despite the …

Exploring the Power of Complementary Currencies for Revitalising the Caribbean Economy Complementary Currencies (CCs) have …

Tackling USD Liquidity Drenches in the Caribbean The Caribbean is plagued by challenges in cross-border …


Get in touch

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Have questions about Carib$? We would love to hear from you.